Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bread Baking

Something I've had on my "to do" list for AGES, is to bake bread.  I tried making pizza dough once and it didn't come out the way I expected.  

Today, I saw a friend post about being a "bread baking fiend" and it made me want to try my hand at it.  So, silly me, started to go and look up MORE bread recipes.  I already have a TON bookmarked and on-hand in my cookbooks.  It would be a perfect waste of time to go and look them up again!  *sigh*  It will still remain on my list of things that I want to do and, now maybe you can add it to yours!  Here are some of the recipes that I've wanted to try...just haven't gotten around to it. 

If you try them, I'd like to hear some reviews.  The perfectionist part of me always thinks that I need a bread machine and, while it may be easier, I'd prefer to do things with what I have on hand.  Let's try and come up with tried and true, SIMPLE, non-bread machine recipes to post in comments.  Oooo...even better, post some no knead recipes!  Happy Bread Baking! 
Achieving Goals is not easy for many people in my life.  myself included.  
I've accomplished many goals for myself and I'm proud and blessed to be where I am today.  

I feel like the easiest way to achieve a goal is to think of what you'd like to do TODAY and figure out ONE thing that you can do to achieve that goal...TODAY.  For example, you want to apply to college but, are overwhelmed by the cost, taking classes, failing, etc.  How about signing up for 1 class (or an online class!)?  You could even try something a little less costly by signing up for a community offered class.  Like art?  Sign up for a drawing, sculpting, painting or photo class.  

What are some other suggestions?

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I love crafty things.  Sewing, painting, scrapbooking, beading, etc.  However, I don't always have the time for it.  There have been a few things produced here and there but, there is a notebook full of ideas that I really WANT to finish someday but, it will happen no time soon.  

One idea that I have is to make a Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland inspired quilt.  Actually, several of my ideas are based off of children's literature.  

I'm not sure how you picture that in your head but, if you have any links or crafting ability and want to try...I'd love to see them! 

Using Your Power for Good not Evil

I enjoy a good celebrity blog as much as the next person.  However, my idea for today is this. 

Someone should start a blog that focuses on the wonderful things that celebrities do for others.  There is Look to the Stars.  It's nice to have all that info in one place.  But, there's not that much out there for daily posts/blogging on the topic.    

For example, I just learned that Mariska Hegarty has this amazing charity called Joyful Heart Foundation.  I thought this was a very cool thing because she based it off of the character that she plays on television.

Or, Bono, who could forget him?  He's EVERYWHERE!

Brad & Angelina?  Yes, they've had their share of tabloid space but, I think that they've done more than enough after the fact and now, you don't always see them in the smut anymore!  

I want to know more about celebrities that are doing honest to goodness real people stuff and being outstanding role models.  Not the ones showing off their underpants or trying to reclaim fame with a silly, only-going-to-last-for-one-season reality series. Who comes to mind for you?  Are there any blogs out there already that I'm missing? 

Cesarean vs. Natural

This is (obviously) a HUGE debate. One that will NEVER be settled (hence why it is ALWAYS a debate!).

Labor and Birth. One of those areas where you can find yourself stuck in one way of thinking. However, I feel like this is one area where I certainly learned that you really CAN'T be that way.

Motherhood, raising a child, birthing a child, etc. it's all the most amazing thing ever, however, it's definitely an area where there are BILLIONS of opinions out there. My best advice is to constantly remind yourself that ANYTHING GOES with all of these delicate areas so, if you're prepared for NOTHING to go your way, you'll be ready!

When I had my first born, I read all the articles and books I could on natural birth. How having a baby wasn't a medical thing, how naturally born babies are smarter/healthier, women have been doing it for ages, blah, blah, blah. Well, women we were also cooking with lard and people tied stones to a person's ankles, throwing them into the water (to see if they would float) as a witch test. I'm CERTAINLY happy that I had the medical help that I did and I'm sure some of those women from way back when would've GLADLY taken that medical help if they had it!

After your child is born the ONLY way people are going to know if your baby was a section or natural baby, is if you go blabbing it to the world. I think we told people in an email that Mashugs #1 was born section and NO ONE even remembered! Our loving family only cared that she and I were healthy! The way it should be! And I'll tell you something...I'm glad that I had all the medical care necessary to deliver two healthy babes!

Let's keep it civil. I'm NOT asking which is better because, that depends on the mother, her pregnancy and the baby. What is your BEST piece of labor/delivery advice (whether you had a cesarean or vaginal delivery) that would make the next person have a calmer, more successful labor/birth?


This post is unfinished:

I've mentioned my love for notebooks. You'll have no surprise then, when I tell you that I loved to have my students use notebooks for EVERYTHING. (Add some of the things we did?)

Well, when I learned that I was going to have a professional development day based on Social Studies (Yay!) AND notebooks...well, I just about died. It was LITERALLY the only professional development that I could stand because it was actually innovative/productive. Of course, not every teacher agreed. However, it's the teachers that were so stuck in the dark ages of teaching or *ahem* shouldn't be teaching at all *ahem* that didn't like it.

Well, here's why I LOVE the idea of notebooks (organization, teacher lesson [just like readers/writer workshop], student creative space, place to refer back to later on which illustrates tiered learning!]...AMAZING, right?!

Well, I've done some research on different types of notebook teaching. I don't think that there are a lot of things out there, 'cause it does require a little bit more work than a simple worksheet! ;) Here are some links. Plus, if anyone wants to post some links to their notebook samples, I'll gladly add them!

I may even post some of my notebook ideas for toddlers and such as I come along! Ooooo...tutors out there...as I'm thinking of adding myself to this job (awkward sentence) soon, I'm thinking this is an EXCELLENT way to keep all of your client work together! Do you think it could be incorporated?

What is YOUR take on notebooks? What ideas can we get going here?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Potty Training

The most DIFFICULT thing after raising a newborn is potty training.  I'm currently doing BOTH and going a little nutty!  

Any advice or tips?

Cluck, cluck, cluck

Sometimes I have a hard time committing to a certain way of thinking or lifestyle that I think I would want to live.  For example, I was a vegetarian from the end of my sophomore in high school to the beginning of my sophomore year in college.  Now, I did eat fish often (making me a pescevegetarian) and even went back to chicken.  I stayed away from red meat for the whole time.  So, now that I look at it, I never really WAS a true vegetarian (though many will argue otherwise...maybe to justify).  

I became a vegetarian because of a nutty woman, invited by our even nuttier Chemistry teacher, who came to visit our school.  My chemistry teacher made the comment to ultimately move me to my decision not to eat red meat or chicken for some time.  However, this woman was from PETA. Thinking back, this was a horrible way to take advantage of our impressionable and radical, teenage minds!  I remember meeting in our town annex and eating veggie dogs for the first time.  She spoke very passionately about her cause and handed out buttons, brochures, bumper stickers, etc.  Asking us young people to deface government property and get our younger siblings involved and even revolt against our parents at the dinner table!  Hilarious.

She ended up only conducting a few meetings because she was arrested a few weeks later for dressing up as a chicken and protesting at a Perdue conference of some sort.  True story.

Anyway...I just think it was a bit extreme.  Which I understand is there whole mission. What do you think about the fact that they got us involved at such a young age?


It is important to me to be an open-minded individual.  For this reason, I know that some ideas that I post about may change over time.  Therefore, I may be inclined to repost about my new ideas when new information is brought to my attention by things that I've read or heard.  Reading and having conversations with others, is something that I do EVERY day to keep my mind going!  I'm sure all of us tend to do this.  This means that, I would hope, our ideas are going to evolve.  The world around us evolves so, how can I afford to be stuck in one way of thinking.  That is the beauty of education, my friends.  

Your thoughts?

Bible Translations vs. Interpretation

In a conversation with some dear family members the other day, the topic of different translations of the bible came up.  One individual felt that when a scripture was different from what she heard growing up, was twisting the Bible to mean what you want it to mean.  She was surprised that a friend had used a different translation of Corinthians 13:4, at her wedding, and that it didn't even sound "right".  

Here's what I think about that...

A translation is converting the words in a way so that it is understandable.  For example, I may read my NIV translation (NOT necessarily my translation of choice but, what I have) and go, "What the...?" and need to find my NLV or go to biblos.com to figure out what on EARTH is being spoken about.  This doesn't happen ALL the time but, there are some occasions where I feel it's necessary for my UNDERSTANDING.

I feel what my family member was trying to say was that she feels that the translations are different INTERPRETATIONS of the Bible.  I'm not able to agree with that, however, I do feel that there are even more INTERPRETATIONS of the Bible than there are TRANSLATIONS!  

I can understand that people can interpret the Bible in different ways religion to religion, culture to culture, denomination to denomination and even individual to individual.  I don't think that I look at as a negative thing either.  We all come from different backgrounds and have different wealths of knowledge based on our experiences and education.  How is it possible for us to have the EXACT same take on EVERY single scripture of a book that is so old?

I'm not a scholar on the Bible and I can't say that I've ever studied the Bible any more than personally and, more recently with small groups of fabulously open-minded individuals.  Therefore, I know that many may view my take as very liberal.  Which is fine with me because that's how I like to think of myself.  Am I saying that is right?  Not at all...but it's what worked to bring me to my relationship with God.

I understand that this may be a sensitive topic so, let's try to keep comments well thought out and fair.  What are your thoughts on translations vs. interpretations of the Bible?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Baby Gear

Do you really need all the gear?

I know with first babies, it's easy to get carried away.  I think of all the things that you THINK you need and the money spent.  Is it all really worth it?  

I'm looking for simplicity here.  Diaper Genie is NOT essential.  I can easily bring all of my diapers to the trash and put the trash out at the end of the day.  All the clothes?  NOT essential.  I want my babies to be comfortable.  Onesies are an essential part of our basic wardrobe.  Sleepers are the other.  Is a list like this (find link) really necessary?  It's shameful for companies to make new parents think that they need all this stuff!

What do you find the most ESSENTIAL baby gear?  

What's the big idea?

Here is my theme song for this post (Video #2)

I am Mommy with lots of ideas.  I am a perfectionist, who can complete the occasional idea but, feels that all of her ideas go wasted or just fill up pages and pages of notebooks!

Well, my Hubby will attest to the fact that I have a rather large notebook "collection"! I always use those notebooks but, I don't complete the ideas that are intended to be completed by writing them down in the notebook.

In a conversation that occurred not so long ago, he helped me to realize that I can use my strengths to work on a blog.  Yes, of COURSE I had that idea and I started several.  They were too focused and required me to be crafty or more organized (with my thoughts) AND daily schedule.  Therefore, I got bored or overwhelmed and stopped.

The other inspiring folks I need to mention are:

my dear friend, Katie...she inspired me to add my parenting "manual" ideas.  

my friend Kerri...in a conversation with her, we came to an interesting discovery that may shock you!  We both attended college and feel that we learned valuable skills there.  I am in NO WAY saying that you should NOT attend college...I strongly ENCOURAGE it.  However, make sure it's something that you can enjoy/is fun!   

She is taking on an incredible undertaking by homeschooling her children.  She was feeling anxious about whether or not she had the skills to be a teacher.  During our conversation, she asked me if she thought that she would have to go to school to be able to be successful with this task.  I immediately responded "no".  I kind of shocked myself!  There are some people who have the instinct and the skills to be a teacher.  It's natural.  She cares for the well-being of her children AND for a quality education for them, that they are not receiving in their hometown.  

The perfectionist part of me knows that this is not a well-written post.  It's raw.  It's killing me that I'm posting it this way.   However, I just got scolded by Hubby for not posting because the whole point was just to post the ideas and see where this blogging adventure takes me.  I guess that I can go back and tweak them later and hoping that my writing gets better!