Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank you...

Here's something that I want to try...

Each day, I run into random people. They are not people that I know but, of course, they have crossed my path for a reason. However, there is rarely a chance where I interact with them much more than that moment of passing by or brief conversation. I've decided that I want to focus on one person who made positive difference (and maybe the occasional negative...we all need to vent, right?) in my day!


Thank you, power walking lady who mentioned, in passing, "It does get easier."

She said this while I was attempting to take the gals out for a jog. Pubah was screaming and Mashuga was dropping snacks out the side of the stroller and I had to stop, mid-run, to do my Mommy thing...you know, right?! It was a moment, where I was ready to break down and cry, because I just felt the need to get out and do something for myself. While I was having moments of regret, her comment was a nice reminder that, if I'm persistent, it WILL get easier.

Update: I will try and do a "Thankful Thursday" each week on this blog! ;)

Who would you like to thank today?

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