This is (obviously) a HUGE debate. One that will NEVER be settled (hence why it is ALWAYS a debate!).
Labor and Birth. One of those areas where you can find yourself stuck in one way of thinking. However, I feel like this is one area where I certainly learned that you really CAN'T be that way.
Motherhood, raising a child, birthing a child, etc. it's all the most amazing thing ever, however, it's definitely an area where there are BILLIONS of opinions out there. My best advice is to constantly remind yourself that ANYTHING GOES with all of these delicate areas so, if you're prepared for NOTHING to go your way, you'll be ready!
When I had my first born, I read all the articles and books I could on natural birth. How having a baby wasn't a medical thing, how naturally born babies are smarter/healthier, women have been doing it for ages, blah, blah, blah. Well, women we were also cooking with lard and people tied stones to a person's ankles, throwing them into the water (to see if they would float) as a witch test. I'm CERTAINLY happy that I had the medical help that I did and I'm sure some of those women from way back when would've GLADLY taken that medical help if they had it!
After your child is born the ONLY way people are going to know if your baby was a section or natural baby, is if you go blabbing it to the world. I think we told people in an email that Mashugs #1 was born section and NO ONE even remembered! Our loving family only cared that she and I were healthy! The way it should be! And I'll tell you something...I'm glad that I had all the medical care necessary to deliver two healthy babes!
Let's keep it civil. I'm NOT asking which is better because, that depends on the mother, her pregnancy and the baby. What is your BEST piece of labor/delivery advice (whether you had a cesarean or vaginal delivery) that would make the next person have a calmer, more successful labor/birth?